Macular Pucker

Macular Pucker

What is a macular pucker?

The retina and macula (small area of the retina responsible for fine vision) should lay flat against the back surface of the eye. Any swelling with wrinkles, creases or distortion of the retina found in the area of the macula is called macular pucker, also known as epiretinal membrane.


  • Contracting and wrapping scar tissue caused by previous eye surgery or as a result of certain eye condition such as vitreous detachment
  • Torn or detached retina
  • Swelling inside the eye
  • Eye injury
  • Disorders of blood vessels in the retina such as diabetic retinopathy


  • Blurry central vision
  • Distortion of straight lines
  • Difficulty seeing or reading fine print
  • Blind spot in vision
  • Gray or cloudy area in the central vision


For mild cases of macular pucker no treatment, only regular eye exams to check for any progression is the course of treatment. In other mild to moderate cases, eye drops may be prescribed to reduce inflammation, encouraging the retina to lay flat. More severe cases can only be corrected with vitrectomy surgery.

Macular scarring within eye - Mucular pucker symptoms and treatment in Palm Harbor, FL
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