Retinal Detachment

Retinal Detachment

What is a retinal detachment?

A retinal detachment is a very serious eye condition that occurs when the retina is pulled away from the tissues that support it. If your retina is not properly attached, it can result in a permanent loss of vision.


  • Holes or tears in the retina
  • Previous retinal detachments
  • Retinal thinning from eye conditions such as, lattice degeneration
  • Glaucoma
  • Nearsighted vision
  • Prior eye surgery
  • Family history of retinal detachments
  • Trauma or severe eye injury


  • Flood of floaters or new floaters
  • Flashing lights in the vision
  • A shadow in the side vision
  • Gray veil or curtain encroaching central vision
Retina detachment diagram - Retinal detachment causes and symptoms in Bayonet Point, FL


An early diagnosis is key to preventing the loss of vision from retinal detachment. The treatment options we may propose will depend directly on the extent of detachment and how early the condition is diagnosed. The different types of procedures that may be combined to better treat your unique condition. Our treatment methods include:
  • Thermal laser therapy
  • Cryopexy or freezing therapy
  • Scleral buckle, which places a silicone band around your eye to hold the retina in position
  • Vitrectomy, which is normally used to repair larger tears and involves replacing eye fluid with a gas bubble or silicone oil
  • Pneumatic retinopexy, which uses gas bubble injections to close the tear

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